A few simple steps
to get started

to get started

How it works
Place bets on any sports matches by connecting your decentralized wallet in two clicks

Current problems
in betting
in betting

Other betting tools on the market are too difficult for an average user. Prior knowledge of interaction with pools, deposit liquidity, and mitigation of non-permanent losses is required to navigate a typical betting tool.
Centralization of companies
The likelihood of hacking and theft of funds
Lack of user keys
Lengthy withdrawal verification processes
Government bans
Backed by
Powered by
Official community
Join Dexsport official telegram channels in order to follow important announcements, fresh insights and be in touch with other players.

Buy DESU token
You can bet with DESU token in order to achieve certain privileges. DESU is available for purchase at the exchanges below.

Buy DESU token
You can bet with DESU token in order to achieve certain privileges. DESU is available for purchase at the exchanges below.
Official community
Join Dexsport official telegram channels in order to follow important announcements, fresh insights and be in touch with other players.
How to start playing?
To start playing, connect your Web3 wallet to the platform. You can install one of the we recommend. In this video, we are going to show you how to set up a wallet correctly, using Metamask as an example.
Have any questions?
Perhaps you will find the answer to your question in our documentation.
If not, you can always contact us by clicking on the button below
If not, you can always contact us by clicking on the button below